Phát triển công nghiệp hỗ trợ: Hóa giải thách thức của ngành dệt may
Phát triển công nghiệp hỗ trợ từng bước tự chủ nguồn nguyên vật liệu, linh phụ kiện trong nước là một trong những vấn đề cốt lõi để phát triển bền vững công nghiệp Việt Nam.
Đơn hàng dồi dào, thị trường có dấu hiệu phục hồi tích cực, song nhiều doanh nghiệp dệt may lại đang lo lắng trước thách thức về nguồn cung nguyên phụ liệu.
Đây không chỉ là khó khăn trong ngắn hạn mà còn là bài toán về tự chủ đầu vào của các doanh nghiệp trong nước, hướng tới một chiến lược phát triển bền vững trong tương lai.
1. Giá đầu vào tăng gây áp lực lên sản xuất
Là một trong những thương hiệu tên tuổi, Tổng Công ty May 10 hiện đã có đơn hàng đến hết quý 3/2022, riêng với mặt hàng veston đã có đơn hàng đến cuối năm. Song nỗi lo lớn nhất của May 10 là việc Trung Quốc thực hiện chính sách Zero COVID đã tác động không nhỏ tới chuỗi cung ứng.
Ông Thân Đức Việt, Tổng Giám đốc May 10 chia sẻ hiện doanh nghiệp đang điều chỉnh lại nhận định về thị trường trước nhiều biến động. Đó là cuộc xung đột Nga-Ukraine khiến giá xăng dầu, khí đốt leo thang, kéo theo giá nguyên vật liệu đầu vào tăng cao.
Đặc biệt, với 50% nguyên phụ liệu dệt may nhập khẩu từ Trung Quốc, trong khi nước này áp dụng chiến lược Zero COVID, dẫn đến việc thiếu nguyên liệu ngay trong ngắn hạn và chi phí tăng cao.
Tuy vậy, đại diện doanh nghiệp này cho rằng, dù chi phí tăng cao, giá bán sản phẩm sẽ khó tăng, hoặc nếu tăng thì cũng không thể theo được tốc độ tăng của nguyên liệu đầu vào. Trong khi sản xuất của doanh nghiệp vẫn phải duy trì, nhưng nếu giá đầu vào tăng quá cao thì doanh nghiệp càng làm càng khó.
“Thực tế cho thấy, chi phí vận tải cao gấp 3 lần so với mức trung bình 5 năm trở lại đây. Bất lợi về tỷ giá khiến doanh nghiệp dệt may Việt Nam giảm sức cạnh tranh trước các đối thủ,” ông Thân Đức Việt lo ngại.
Còn theo ông Hoàng Văn Linh, Chủ tịch Hội đồng quan trị Công ty Cổ phần Aligro, hàng dệt may thời trang theo mùa vụ, hàng Đông đã được sản xuất từ đầu Hè. Vì vậy, Aligro ưu tiên những đơn hàng đã đủ nguyên phụ liệu trước…, đảm bảo ổn định đầu vào và việc làm cho người lao động.
“Trước tình hình dịch bệnh diễn biến phức tạp, Aligro đề cao việc ổn định cả về tinh thần và nguồn lực để kịp thời ứng phó, tránh tổn thất nhất là phải nghỉ do dịch. Lãnh đạo công ty và người lao động phải có trách nhiệm với chính mình và cộng đồng…,” ông Hoàng Văn Linh nói.
Đánh giá của Tập đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam (Vinatex) cũng cho thấy những dấu hiệu không mấy tích cực về nguồn cung nguyên phụ liệu do tác động của thị trường thế giới.
Ông Cao Hữu Hiếu, Tổng Giám đốc Vinatex cho hay giá nguyên liệu đầu vào tăng như bông, xơ, sợi đã ảnh hưởng đến kết quả sản xuất-kinh doanh của ngành dệt may.
Ước tính, giá bông giao ngay tăng khoảng 19,1% so với hồi đầu năm. Chưa kể, giá các mặt hàng khác như xơ sợi nhân tạo khác cũng tăng cao do giá nguyên liệu đầu vào từ hóa dầu cũng tăng chóng mặt.
“Việc giá nguyên liệu tăng cùng tình trạng hàng hóa nhập khẩu về chậm do chính sách Zero COVID từ Trung Quốc, các chi phí vận chuyển khác như logistics tăng cao gây không ít khó khăn cho các doanh nghiệp dệt may,” ông Cao Hữu Hiếu nói.
2. Linh hoạt trước biến động
Ngành công nghiệp dệt may Việt Nam trong những năm gần đây đã có những bước tiến tích cực cả về sản xuất và xuất khẩu. Trong đó, tốc độ tăng trưởng trong sản xuất ngành dệt may bình quân giai đoạn 2016-2020 đạt 7,9%/năm, riêng năm 2018 tăng trên 33%.
Tuy vậy, 2 năm vừa qua (2020-2021), dệt may là một trong những ngành chịu tác động tiêu cực và kéo dài của dịch COVID-19. Đặc biệt, việc phân công trong chuỗi cung ứng sản xuất toàn cầu, trong đó có nguyên phụ liệu đã tác động nhiều chiều đến hoạt động của ngành dệt may trong nước.
Ông Thân Đức Việt cho biết mặc dù trong những năm gần đây, các doanh nghiệp trong nước đã đầu tư và tăng cường sản xuất nguyên phụ liệu dệt may, tuy nhiên dệt may và thời trang Việt Nam nằm trong chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu nên tỷ lệ nội địa hóa và ngành công nghiệp phụ trợ chưa được cao.
Để khắc phục tình trạng thiếu hụt nguyên phụ liệu do bị phụ thuộc vào nhập khẩu, May 10 đã đẩy mạnh hợp tác, liên kết với các nhà cùng các nhà cung cấp trong nước. Qua đó cũng giúp cho May 10 tận dụng tối đa ưu đãi từ các FTA.
Bên cạnh đó, May 10 cũng linh hoạt trong công tác điều hành xuất nhập khẩu trong khâu vận chuyển (tàu biển, đường bộ, hàng không…). Chính vì vậy, May 10 luôn đảm bảo tiến độ giao hàng đúng hạn và tạo được uy tín lớn với khách hàng.
“Ngoài vấn đề đảm bảo nguồn cung, từ lâu, May 10 đã chú trọng đến yếu tố nguyên liệu xanh. Khách hàng yêu cầu sử dụng nguyên liệu tái chế, recycol, nguyên liệu nguồn gốc tự nhiên, dễ phân huỷ, tái chế… May 10 đã và đang tập trung hợp tác với các đối tác có sản phẩm đáp ứng thân thiện môi trường,” ông Thân Đức Việt thông tin thêm.
Về phía Tập đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam, đơn vị này đã có kế hoạch nhằm theo dõi rất sát tình hình thị trường để có những chiến lược mục tiêu ngắn cũng như dài hạn.
“Lúc này, công tác quản trị rủi ro được đặt lên trên hàng đầu. Tập đoàn liên tục đưa ra những cập nhật sâu sát nhất về tình hình bông xơ sợi, biến động nguyên phụ liệu đầu vào cho các doanh nghiệp thành viên, đồng thời nhập khẩu một lượng bông dự trữ nhất định cho các doanh nghiệp sợi với giá tốt, tránh những rủi ro về tăng giá,” Tổng Giám đốc Vinatex cho hay.
Theo nhận định của Cục Công nghiệp (Bộ Công Thương), thực trạng phụ thuộc nguyên phụ liệu không chỉ gây ảnh hưởng đến việc phát triển sản xuất và tăng trưởng kinh tế trong ngắn hạn, sẽ còn tiếp tục ảnh hưởng đến công nghiệp nói riêng và kinh tế Việt Nam nói chung trong dài hạn. Hơn nữa, việc phát triển công nghiệp hỗ trợ từng bước tự chủ nguồn nguyên vật liệu, linh phụ kiện trong nước là một trong những vấn đề cốt lõi để phát triển bền vững công nghiệp Việt Nam.
Trên cơ sở đó, đại diện Cục Công nghiệp cho rằng phải nâng cao năng lực các doanh nghiệp công nghiệp hỗ trợ, điều kiện tiên quyết là phải có ngành công nghiệp chế biến, chế tạo trong nước phát triển. Từ đó, mở ra cơ hội thị trường cho doanh nghiệp công nghiệp hỗ trợ trở thành nhà cung cấp, tham gia chuỗi cung ứng của các doanh nghiệp sản xuất, lắp ráp sản phẩm cuối cùng.
Ngoài ra, Cục Công nghiệp cũng nhắc tới yếu tố tạo cơ hội hình thành và phát triển chuỗi giá trị trong nước, thông qua thu hút đầu tư hiệu quả và thúc đẩy kết nối kinh doanh, liên kết giữa các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam với các doanh nghiệp đa quốc gia, các công ty sản xuất, lắp ráp trong nước và nước ngoài.
Trong đó xây dựng các khu công nghiệp hỗ trợ tập trung để tạo cụm liên kết ngành; phát triển các ngành công nghiệp vật liệu nhằm tăng cường tính tự chủ về nguyên vật liệu đầu vào cho sản xuất, giảm sự phụ thuộc vào nguồn nhập khẩu, từ đó nâng cao giá trị gia tăng và sức cạnh tranh của sản phẩm và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam trong chuỗi giá trị toàn cầu./.
The woman holding up the bamboo curtain smiled and said that governing a big country is like cooking a small delicacy.Liu. Wild Fairy Hairpin City Yinlu, pay my respects to Mr. Liu. Jun Qian smiled and stretched out Do Keto Gummies Make You Poop? Separating Fact from Fiction and Unlocking the Power of ACV Keto Gumm
her hand. After pressing twice, Gao Geng, we are all guests of Luopo Mountain, so we don t need to be so polite.
They each choose a place along the Dadu line. After settling down, they will each perform their duties and start a competition for the patience of both sides.
and wait for the luck. Yu Xuan tugged at his beard, You can only guard against thieves for a thousand days, but there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.
Yu Dou, Lu Chen, Wuzhou, Sun Huaizhong. In fact, there is another one of Xu Jun s friends who has been with him for many years.Even if we can find files from hundreds of years ago, we must find out the files from hundreds of years ago.
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can discuss and handle these specific matters behind closed doors.The reason why some of these civilized and military heroes are different from the lonely ghosts whose consciousness is dim and gradually disappear between heaven and earth.
Furthermore, whether it can be mass produced, the cost gap is huge. Since even Xiao Mo said this, it means that the futons in Sanlang Temple are almost the ultimate.Fortunately, the other party was also willing to point out the solution. Dharma, I told my eldest sister not to commit filthy customs in her future life, and not to be too pure in her spiritual Experience the True Form: A Comprehensive Review of True Form SS Keto Gummies for a Sustainable Weig
Gritting my teeth, I even bought an expensive book from a bookstore, just as a thought for myself who was unable to study.This invisibly helped Chen Ping an and Luo Luo Shanquan Mansion save.
at least several thousand Grain Rain coins. Not only was there no loss, but what they would earn from the blessed land in the future could not be calculated with immortal money.
Of course, each of the Ascension and Fourteenth Realms in the human world has its own greatness, but almost all monks at the top of the mountain only follow their own paths.There s no airs. Han Zhoujin hesitated before speaking, and gave up after thinking about it. Zongzhu Liu is indeed approachable and has a very charming personality.
At several nearby ferries and some mountain ferries, people will take the initiative to contact them, especially inns.When they saw Chen Ping an sitting down earlier, their first thought was that they would have to walk around Zhengyang Mountain without enough food.
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then turned to look at the Lord of the Fox Kingdom, and said with a smile Fellow Taoist Peixiang thinks that the Gaojun of the Hushan Sect may like the young master.Anyway, in this life I I don t dare to hope for the mountain top realm, and I don t even dare to think about the end of the world.
Didn t he nod Shen Chen smiled and said It s a thief. How could it be It would be so easy to nod. Chen Guoshi is not a fool.Fellow Taoist Sun, what do you think Sun Wanyan s eyes lit up, and she cast the spell sideways with great grace.
He still insisted on letting people take the initiative to contact the Zhuzhi Sect as the sect leader, despite all opinions, which meant that The genealogical monks on both sides have been restrained in the near future and do not want to conflict Transform Your Weight Loss Journey with Transform Keto and ACV Gummies Reviews: A Comprehensive Guid
again.At the same time, the Qingni Cave Heaven and Tiantang Paradise, which were originally connected to each other, were also affected.
When everything came to light and Ma Zhan was ashamed, the senior brother was still the same senior brother.
Vice Supervisor Wu said with a smile Monks from outside are good at chanting sutras, so you should listen to me and ask the Shanluan Say Goodbye to Belly Fat: How Billy Gardell Keto Gummies Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Division on the other side of Lujiao Mountain to give our Qintian Supervisor a few words of justice.I didn t know the hidden dangers of insisting on being strong and showing off my sharp edge. When I inherited the throne, I was actually the emperor for a few days.
Chen Yinguan from Luopo Mountain can become a Taoist couple with Ning Yao, and he is the best in the world in eating soft food.Ku Xuan, this is not good, you have to change. Of course, the premise is that you still have a chance to change your past.
Do you need me to help you tailor a talisman Bang, like a firecracker. You can be a fairy swordsman before you die. Good luck.Shen Ke stiffly turned his head and looked at the handsome immortal. the old man s lips trembled slightly, Chen Jianxian, out of kindness, please forgive me.
Liu Chicheng has no grudges about this. After all, he is the direct disciple of his senior brother. Only if he is not arrogant will he feel disappointed as his senior uncle.Otherwise, if I were in my shoes and scolded Revolutionize Your Keto Journey with Keto Blast Cleanse and Gummies: Unlock the Power of a Healthier
him, I would definitely say something like, The young man is so handsome, but it s a pity that he is not mute.
But in our hometown at that time, it didn t count. It s a small amount of money. I had the courage to go to the door to ask for it twice before, but I still didn t get it.After chewing for a while, Yu Xuan couldn t help but slapped his knees and said, This is a wonderful solution Yu Xuan repeatedly praised, Then Chen Ping an in the green shirt of the Bamboo House will not move Discover the Power of xSlim Ketoacv Gummies Ingredients: Unlock a Slimmer You with Natural Weight Lo
his nest, sitting on the top of the mountain.
Chen Pingan asked no more questions. Because there is a big or small secret involved here. When Chen Ping an was guarding the city alone, there was once a chariot with a group of Experience the Power of Keto Bio Gummies: Unlocking a Slimmer, Healthier You with Exogenous Ketones
wild female cultivators, Ying Ying Yan Yan, heading north just to take a look at the young hermit official from a distance.
Liu Min noticed the movement in the courtyard at the entrance of the well and hurried over. Either he didn t come, causing him to stay here year after year, or he came here in a swarm.The common man wants to do what he wants. When he goes out, there are others who are flattering him and chasing his butt.
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you must do for me, that is, Ning Yao must give it to your sister in law.Let s see if you can get out of here When Shen Ke heard this, he didn t feel the slightest bit happy.
However, it is fake to the outside world, but it is extremely real to both sides on the battlefield. It cannot be taken lightly. If you are not careful, your body and Taoist mind will be hurt.Jiang Shangzhen smiled and said, I remember the first time I was qualified to participate in the meeting of the Yugui Sect s Patriarch Hall.
Since the capital city has been folded up like paper, the space for maneuvering is limited and the geographical location is getting more and more cramped.Now that my realm is high and I have enough confidence, it s up to me whether I use it myself, sell it to make money, or give it as a gift from the mountain.
What Who am I to say anything The monk and the inner demon are enemies of each other, and enemies face each other.Gu Can asked That shouldn t be the case. In this level of Qi, you are the most confident and the strongest.
Master Chen Shan will definitely not take away the Ma family s industry in Yuxuan Kingdom. Regarding the Ma family s industry that is blooming everywhere and has a prosperous birthday, overtly or secretly, there is a secret account book in the palace, a thick one , nearly a hundred pages of booklet.
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Zhang Fenghai He nodded and said, As long as you don t cause trouble everywhere, it won t be a big problem.
The vendetta between the rivers and lakes is not as good as the fighting skills of the Qi practitioners in the mountains, and the Yuxuan Kingdom s court has always been more relaxed.Well, to put it simply, when she goes to a downtown What is the Best Way to Take Keto ACV Gummies: Unlocking the Secrets to Rapid Weight Loss and Improv
store, she can spend money without blinking an eye, just buy and buy.
A gift from the door Liu Xianyang laughed angrily and said, What the hell, I m showing off my wealth to you, and I can t get it back Gu Can asked, Is it an ancient cave that has not been recorded in the records, or some broken blessed land Liu Xianyang smiled and said Don t care whether it is a cave or a blessed land, do you have one Chen Ping an has a lotus root blessed land, and I Keto ACV Gummies Shark Tank Ingredients List: The Secret to Jennifer Lopez's Weight Loss Success?
also have a small cave, but Sect Master Gu, you are a bit shabby.
She is very dirty, and there is some gossip among the neighbors, which is even worse. It is said that a free prostitution house can be opened there soon.Li Muzhou was at the door, knocking on the first ring, and the young Taoist priest heard the sound and came out of the house.
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Chinese Confucian Temple, but now Qing Tong has pocketed it based on his contribution.Chen Ping an said This will inevitably damage Zhongyue s Taoism. Jin Qing sneered and said Then you will pay me back This tiger just said a word that he was getting an advantage here and still behaved.
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sword immortals who had been to the Great Wall of Sword Qi, also responded, as if they were interacting with the Longxiang Sword Sect, but also as if they were.
grabbing business. After Yun Zhuan knew the truth, he nodded and said No wonder it has become so valuable.
Did you enter Bai Yujing How long has it been since I saw Senior Brother Yu from a distance for the first time that I had the idea of replacing him Yu Dou still didn t take it seriously at all.The corporal heard that earthly immortals do not eat the fireworks of the human world. There are Taoist priests, scholars, craftsmen, hundreds of schools of thought, and Qi practitioners of their own lineage.
Is this considered to be the result of carelessness and intention If one mistake is made, a word becomes a prophecy The Taoist boy who was lighting the fire in the house timidly asked his master, and received a decree that allowed him to take a break from his busy work.I couldn t stand it after one or two times, Revolutionize Your Health with Retrofit Keto ACV Gummies: A Game-Changing Weight Loss Solution for D
but there was a third time. The key is that after Yuanxiang finished drinking, he still said it didn t taste good.
He smiled and said So we said that we should set up a magic circle at the door to cover our ears and eyes.Chen Pingan asked Then do you know what he wanted to do after he left Ouhua Paradise and chose to Mayo Clinic on Keto Gummies: Unlocking the Power of Bio-Engineered Keto Supplements for Sustainable
remain anonymous in Yunku Paradise for so many years Qing Tong shook his head and said I don t dare to talk about anything related to the old temple master.
As for his senior brother Kou Ming, he had the kindness to accept apprentices and teach on behalf of his master during Yu Dou.With his thoughts in mind, he ignored the distance between mountains and rivers and dressed in green clothes.
Qing Tong smiled and asked, How did you find me When Chen Ping an and Xiao Mo first entered the Demon Suppressing Building, Xiao Mo looked up at the sky, but the green robed Sword Immortal walking behind Xiao Mo looked down.Of course, among them is the world s most powerful demon master, Zheng Juzhong of Baidi City. You don t need The Best Way to Use Keto Gummies: Unlocking Optimal Weight Loss and Overall Wellness
to be too afraid of Zheng Juzhong s people.
Seeing that Lu Chen showed no sign of getting up, he simply sat on the edge of the grotto with his feet hanging on the cliff.Qing Tong is actually quite curious. Is the rightful owner of Qing Ming the world just indifferent Just thinking about it again, it seems that the Confucian Temple doesn t care if Dao Laoer s Fangshan seal is in the vast world Qing Tong whispered, Should I stay outside and wait for you If the monk targeted by this imitation white jade capital is unable to escape, I heard that this building can be used to ascend Furthermore, this place is one of the embroidered tiger s efforts.
There are mountains nearby that are rich in porcelain clay, which can be fired into porcelain, which can be shipped along the Zao River and sold to various places via waterways.Therefore, the Linlang Tower of Baiyujing has been known as the place full of jade since ancient times.
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who have never known each other before. Cao Yong thought for a moment, then asked tentatively Is that Cui Cheng It is not difficult to guess that the mountains and rivers of Aoping Continent, The pure martial artist who can teach Chen Pingan and Pei Qian is either Da Li Song Changjing or Cui Cheng who has been missing for many years.
Chen Pingan glanced at Yang Zhi s table. He read a book and asked with a smile Can I borrow a book or two Yang Zhi said Best Keto and Acv Gummies for Weight Loss: Unlock the Power of a Slimmer You
playfully This is a forbidden book.As an official, he only became a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, and then studied for five or six years, and simply resigned a few years ago.
Who knows Then Master Fu Dashan, tell me yourself, who gave you this Taoist book Fu Dechong suddenly realized.It is estimated that he is seven years old. Eighty percent of the time. But when the sect is established in the future, What's in Weight Loss Gummies: A Comprehensive Guide to Keto Fusion Gummies and Beyond
Qiu Yuyi will pass on the talisman formation lineage.
In the setting sun, the tall boy did not go far. He grinned, raised a piece of dogtail grass in his hand, and shook it.It s like he was born with affectionate eyebrows. Lin Jiangxian s green shirted figure fell on the edge of the martial arts arena.
He sneered in ancient language The road is broken, and you still want to connect the heaven and the earth.The old viewer smiled and said If it Uncovering the Truth: Did Kelly Clarkson Really Lose Weight from Keto Gummies?
weren t for the young and vengeful last hidden official who came out of the Great Wall of Sword Qi, Bai Jing and you could have occupied each other for a day and a month, complementing each other.
In fact, after Zhou Shenzhi died in the battle, all the sects that had an Ascension realm sword cultivator sitting on the top of the mountain were gone.In the past thousand years, there has not been a talented Taoist official who can say that he will definitely attain enlightenment and ascension.
When Chief Zhou, who felt good about himself, left Luohuayuan, leaving Peixiang to continue participating in the next meeting of Damuguan, Chen Pingan So he sacrificed his talisman boat and returned to Luopo Mountain.Anyway, I Always stay away. There was also the coral palace on land that Zhu Lian used to store famous swords in the world.
Although I still don t dare to think about it, compared to Ganzhou Mountain, Luan Mountain has to bite the bullet and be brave enough to give it a try.On the hillside, visitors look at the scene from a distance like a female hairpin. The heaven and earth and the aura of water are rich and rippled.
On the surface, there are sixteen people, but in fact, seventeen sword cultivators have come to this world.Knowing the greatness of one s body and seeing the smallness of the world, one must not return to the treasure mountain in vain.
There are many heroines and heroines with frosty faces in the book. Those fairies who look at and reject people from thousands of miles away, wait until they are moved.
Jiang Shangzhen, whose scalp was numb, hurriedly strangled the neck of the boy in green, and then stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, please, Uncle Jingqing , please don t say another word.
By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Gu Can. I am a person who looks forward and backward, and the beautiful jade is shining brightly.Try to drink the remaining wine from this year in the coming year. Liu Xu s trip to the south was just to have a drink with Chen Ping an, nothing more.
Zhu Lian first told her a story about the landscape in his hometown to describe the turmoil, saying that there was a man in the world.Second shopkeeper, you are the best at this. See if you can help him untie his knot. Back then, in that small wine shop, the second shopkeeper would come right out of his mouth and brag without making any drafts.
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saw that he was sensible and not hopelessly stupid. One time when he was enjoying the cool weather in the courtyard and admiring the moon, the old cook asked Zhong Qian to think about a question how could things in her hometown have changed Zhong Qian just shook his head and said he didn t know, and asked the old cook to talk.