8 considerations to choose the right CMMS implementation partner

Deploying an CMMS solution is a complex undertaking. Selecting the right software is only half of the challenge. For the project to be successful, you also need to appoint a trusted implementation partner who can deliver on your specific requirements and provide valuable and trusted guidance and leadership throughout the entire project.

8 considerations to choose the right CMMS implementation partner

But how do you choose between implementation partners, particularly when your chosen software vendor’s deployment model relies upon channel partners who on the face of it, all appear to offer the same thing? To help, we have created the following guide which covers the key high-level criteria that will assist when evaluating implementation partners to ensure the success of your deployment.


1)   Vendor credibility and experience consulting 

When reviewing maintenance software, it is important to think about both your short-term and long-term maintenance needs. When choosing a CMMS software system, it should have the ability to be customized to fit the way your team works right now, but must also be adaptable to any future changes from which you can evaluate the partner’s consulting service.

The partner should obviously have a wealth of experience implementing your chosen solution; however, you must also look for a partner that has proven experience with successful CMMS implementation within your industry.

A partner that has a deep understanding and knowledge of both your industry and the CMMS solution you have selected, will be able to make informed recommendations as to the particular features of the software that can help you achieve your business objectives and most importantly.

Get as much information as you can on the actual consultants who will be working on your project to let you assess their experience and skill set.


2)   Scalability – integration capabilities

A scalable CMMS software system will remain efficient and practical when extra demands are put on the system, such as adding more users or integration ERP, Scada, Oee, Andon and PLC…..more data.

In most cases, you usually need some form of customisation in order to make your CMM solution fit your individual business requirements. It is very rare that an out-of-the-box solution will meet your exact needs. Therefore, you should always choose an implementation partner who has the technical knowledge and ability to support other key systems,


3)   License pricing model

There are a number of different software license pricing models that vendors use which may affect your initial cost.

The price of software licenses will be based on the total number of users. This is most evident in a pay-per-named user model, where the total license price is determined by the number of unique users that will be using the software. There is also a pay-per-concurrent user software licensing model where the price depends on how many users need access at the same time.


4)   Data importation

Nothing is as crucial to the success of maintenance management software as the availability of your maintenance data. Vendors should offer CMMS data importation services or provide you with the means to import existing data into the system, whether that data is currently stored in spreadsheets, databases, or in another CMMS system. Equally as important, there should also be a reliable way to extract data from the system in the event that it is replaced somewhere down the line.


5)   Training and transfer

Proper training is the key to a successful CMMS implementation. While vendors do their best to make their software easy to use, computer skill levels vary from person to person, so training is a must. Each vendor offers different forms of training, so you must be careful to select a vendor whose training matches up with how your team learns best. A great partner will ensure a smooth transition and guarantee success.


6)   Technical support

One of the most valuable services a vendor offers is technical support. It is important to fully understand the details of how support is delivered and if any fees are involved. Technical CMMS support plans generally include phone and email support, with some vendors also offering access to other self-help resources such as videos, product documentation, and a knowledge base.

Whatever the case, before you make your final decision, make sure to consider how each vendor’s support services will fit into your enterprise needs and budget.


7)   Software updates

Frequent software updates help to future-proof your CMMS investment. Not only do they add features and functionality to the system, updates can fix bugs and defects and improve overall performance. These enhancements make your software more powerful, your team more efficient, and provide you with a better return on investment (ROI). When discussing your needs with vendors, it is a good idea to ask about how often the software is updated. Their answer can help you determine whether or not they are truly committed to developing the product.


8)   Customer Ratings and Reviews

Review customers are powerful tools for CMMS software buyers. You can get a quick overview of the product and compare vendors more directly.



While this list is not set in stone, it gives what we feel are the main points to consider when selecting an CMMS implementation partner. What we do know is that choosing the right partner for your CMMS implementation project is a key part of determining its success. Partnering with the right team, with the right knowledge, skills, experience and shared goals, is the first step on the right path.