Điểm mặt 20 loại rủi ro trong kinh doanh thường gặp nhất
Nhận diện 20 loại rủi ro trong kinh doanh thường thấy nhất để có giải pháp ứng phó trong thời đại bùng nổ thông tin ngày nay là chiến lược thông minh của chủ doanh nghiệp.
Rủi ro trong kinh doanh là điều bất khả kháng, có thể xảy ra hoặc không nhưng doanh nghiệp bắt buộc phải có phương án ứng phó để sẵn sàng biến rủi ro thành cơ hội hoặc giảm thiểu hậu quả từ những rủi ro xuống mức thấp nhất.
Rủi ro trong kinh doanh rất đa dạng và thường xuyên “tiến hóa” theo sự thay đổi của môi trường kinh doanh. Dựa vào lĩnh vực, nguồn gốc, tính chất, chức năng, đối tượng tác động,… có thể chia thành 20 loại rủi ro thường gặp nhất dưới đây.
20 loại rủi ro trong kinh doanh thường gặp nhất
1. Rủi ro cạnh tranh: Nguy cơ cạnh tranh của bạn sẽ đạt được lợi thế so với bạn khiến bạn không đạt được mục tiêu. Ví dụ, các đối thủ cạnh tranh có cơ sở chi phí cơ bản rẻ hơn hoặc sản phẩm tốt hơn.
2. Rủi ro kinh tế: Các điều kiện trong nền kinh tế có thể giúp doanh nghiệp tăng doanh thu hoặc giảm doanh số bán hàng. Ví dụ trong thời kỳ suy thoái kinh tế, các mặt hàng xa xỉ phẩm sẽ bị thu hẹp thị trường, khó bán hơn trong khi các nhu yếu phẩm thì sẽ bán đắt hàng hơn.
3. Rủi ro hoạt động: Các hoạt động hàng ngày của doanh nghiệp cũng tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro, cho dù bình thường hoạt động đó được coi là thành công. Ví dụ dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng vô tình gây ra sự bất mãn của một khách hàng và từ đó xảy ra một cuộc khủng hoảng cho doanh nghiệp.
4. Rủi ro pháp lý: Luật pháp có thể thay đổi bất cứ lúc nào và gây cản trở cho doanh nghiệp. Nếu bộ phận pháp chế của doanh nghiệp cập nhật chậm, rất có thể đẩy doanh nghiệp vào con đường vi phạm pháp luật, hoặc mất sức cạnh tranh khi buộc phải tuân thủ pháp luật
5. Rủi ro tuân thủ: Cũng xuất phát từ những rủi ro pháp lý, đó là khi doanh nghiệp hoàn toàn có ý định tuân thủ luật pháp nhưng cuối cùng lại vi phạm các quy định do quá cảnh hoặc sai sót.
6. Rủi ro chiến lược: Là những rủi ro xuất phát từ việc hoạch định chiến lược dựa vào cảm xúc chủ quan, hay thực thi chiến lược không tuân thủ quy định của doanh nghiệp. Sự “đào tẩu” khỏi thị trường của món Huế vừa qua chính là ví dụ điển hình của rủi ro chiến lược.
7. Rủi ro thương hiệu: Thương hiệu hay danh tiếng là một lợi thế cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp. Khi thương hiệu bị ảnh hưởn do không trung thực, thiếu tôn trọng khách hàng sẽ đẩy doanh nghiệp phải đối mặt với nhiều hậu quả khủng khiếp, ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến doanh thu của doanh nghiệp.
8. Rủi ro chương trình: Là những rủi ro liên quan đến một chương trình kinh doanh cụ thể hoặc danh mục dự án đầu tư của doanh nghiệp.
9. Rủi ro dự án: Đây là loại rủi ro luôn tồn tại trong mọi hoạt động sản xuất và kinh doanh. Thông thường, các dấu hiệu của rủi ro dự án là: chậm tiến độ, nhân sự rời đi, năng suất không đảm bảo…
10. Rủi ro đổi mới: Đổi mới là cần thiết trong môi trường kinh doanh nhưng việc áp dụng các sáng tạo, kết quả nghiên cứu cũng tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro cho doanh nghiệp.
11. Rủi ro quốc gia: Rủi ro này thường xảy ra ở các tập đoàn đa quốc gia bởi mỗi quốc gia lại có nền chính trị và đặc điểm kinh tế khác nhau. Nếu không nghiên cứu kỹ, doanh nghiệp rất có thể sẽ thất bại.
12. Rủi ro chất lượng: Khi doanh nghiệp không đạt được chất lượng cho các sản phẩm, dịch vụ của mình sẽ là dẫn đến hậu quả trực tiếp là không bán được hàng, tụt giảm doanh thu.
13. Rủi ro tín dụng: Đây là loại rủi ro mà những “con nợ” của doanh nghiệp không có khả năng trả nợ. Đối với phần lớn các doanh nghiệp, điều này chủ yếu liên quan đến rủi ro tài khoản phải thu.
14. Rủi ro tỷ giá: Rủi ro biến động tỷ giá hối đoái sẽ ảnh hưởng đến giá trị của các giao dịch kinh doanh và tài sản của doanh nghiệp. Các doanh nghiệp đa quốc gia thường xuyên phải làm việc với những đồng tiền khác nhau sẽ có tỷ lệ gặp phải rủi ro tỷ giá cao nhất, ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến tỷ suất lợi nhuận hoạt động.
15. Rủi ro lãi suất: Rủi ro thay đổi lãi suất sẽ làm gián đoạn hoạt động kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp. Ví dụ, lãi suất có thể làm tăng chi phí vốn do đó ảnh hưởng đến mô hình kinh doanh và lợi nhuận của doanh nghiệp.
16. Rủi ro về thuế: Doanh nghiệp mua và sử dụng hóa đơn của cơ quan thuế không tránh khỏi những trường hợp rủi ro cao khi hạch toán thuế. Chưa kể trong một số trường hợp, luật thuế mới có thể phá vỡ hoàn toàn mô hình kinh doanh của một ngành.
17. Rủi ro vận hành: Là những rủi ro về bộ máy quản lý, cách thức vận hành của doanh nghiệp. Hệ thống quản lý lỏng lẻo có thể là nguyên nhân khiến doanh nghiệp bị thất thoát tài sản, đánh mất thị trường,…
18. Rủi ro tài nguyên: Rủi ro tài nguyên bao gồm cả tài nguyên vật chất và tài nguyên phi vật chất sẽ khiến doanh nghiệp không đạt được mục tiêu kinh doanh.
19. Rủi ro bảo mật: Ý chỉ những thông tin mật của doanh nghiệp bị tiết lộ hoặc đánh cắp như bản quyền kinh doanh, bí mật công nghệ, danh sách khách hàng. Hậu quả nặng nhất có thể khiến doanh nghiệp bị phá sản!
20. Rủi ro theo mùa: Với những loại hình kinh doanh theo mùa, việc phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào thời tiết cũng tiềm ẩn nhiều nguy cơ. Ví dụ một doanh nghiệp có doanh thu tập trung do kinh doanh dịch vụ trượt tuyết thì việc không có mùa đông sẽ khiến doanh nghiệp phá sản.
Ngoài những rủi ro kể trên, còn rất nhiều rủi ro trong kinh doanh nữa mà doanh nghiệp cần nhận diện và có biện pháp ngăn chặn rủi ro hoặc xử lý hậu quả tương ứng.
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After the words fell, he turned around and walked away leisurely.Based on a crude and unconscious method of doubling the power.
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a wise heart to see it.Then the Qi machine was turbulent and became extremely incomplete Between heaven and earth, stars twinkled.
The girl s face suddenly turned pale. With her ability, there was no way she could hide from this giant tree.As for Jiang Minyi s state, it is either a true short term state, or it is very close to the short term state.
But the so called creation on the spot is often the result of sufficient accumulation in the past, and it s just a matter of last minute.It only took five or six hundred years for him to return to Yue Heng without any blame, and he was already the number one person in the Nine Sects.
Suddenly he was startled and looked up from a distance.It does not exclude anyone because of your merits and deeds, nor does it draw any age boundaries as long as everyone is alive, it is all inclusive.
But after a lot of hard work, my work software program and the handover procedures with others have been polished to a fairly perfect state I think , so I have an idea for next month.After one person controls one realm and achieves the Tao realm, , if you are lucky enough to understand the mystery and are completely connected to this world, you will have the advantage of being at home.
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willing to lend a helping hand when a friend he has not seen for decades is in trouble.If they all die, we can reunite together underground.
If it is later, When True Lord Hongguang is defeated, he will definitely not be a match for the two demon kings.When we return safely from the ruins in the future, It s not too late to hold the resignation ceremony and the succession ceremony.
From tomorrow on, all of us will go up to the city wall and stare at it.The number of monsters exceeded one hundred thousand, and the number of monks participating in the battle was seventy or eighty thousand.
Dou Changzai sneered at everyone s words and said Bai Mei Ghost King can only kill more than 80 ghosts.It can be said that they lost all their first moves.
What good thing happened to this guy Why did he become so happy all of a sudden Just when he was about to ask a question, Dou Changzai couldn t help but whispered Fellow Taoist Qingyang, I just got a big deal.All of this was because he had successfully advanced to Yuanying.
I saw that you had excellent qualifications, so I accepted you as a registered disciple to give you more guidance, and then I helped you break through the Golden Elixir and Nascent Soul, which is a huge kindness, but how did you repay me I have never seen such an ungrateful person Fuliu Ghost King seemed to be planning to break the jar, and said angrily You It is true that you have shown some favor to me, but all this was done voluntarily by you, and I am not begging you to accept me as your disciple.
They had held on until now, thinking that the master would kill everyone when he came out, but they didn t expect that there was a more powerful person hidden among the enemies.After appeasing Xiying s family, Qingyang took a few steps Berg Review Your Gummies Journey Comprehensive Keto Dr Revolutionize with A Keto
forward and stood face to face with Shi Ruyin, saying, You re right.
The situation behind them was much the same as before.Qingyang had just returned to Qinglong Mountain in Xiping Prefecture, Liangzhou a few months ago.
Whether Master Qingjing can survive depends on the other party s attitude, so he keeps his attitude very low.The wine bees were also collected in this abandoned garden.
The price of 17,000 Nether Stones has greatly exceeded the previous price.He didn t know about this third enemy. How much stronger is it compared to the two female corpses before.
If there were a few more helpers, how would they have any chance of winning The other ghost kings immediately became alert, and at the same time carefully observed the people around them.Every palace master is powerful. If it were before, Qingyang s little strength would not be of much help at all.
I m here to fight against the demon kings of Hengyun Mountain.The demon cultivators have been forced to retreat, and they should not cause trouble again in the short term.
Except for the giant ghost king and the long browed ghost king, the three ghost kings present had the greatest influence.but he doesn t care. The only ones that can pose a threat to the Yang family in the entire Qingyan Island are those limited forces.
I am afraid that he had already climbed up the ladder and left the Fallen Ghost Abyss safely.It seems that I still have good taste. Whether it is the way the One horned Ghost King looks at people or the tone of his words, it is like an elder praising a junior whom he has not seen for many years.
Although the value of the materials is not very high, the quantity is sufficient.He didn t know what to say. He never thought that a friend he met here would actually go to this point.
What a stupid thing, do you understand now Ye Fei was very fast, and he was in front of Nanyun Luan in an instant, and slapped him with one palm.The soil was lifted up, the iron ropes of the stone wall rattled, and the corpse of an ancient man was exposed.
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if you If you really dare to go further, you are already a dead body now.This is a beast controlling talisman. It is extremely difficult to refine.
Otherwise, no matter how much spirit stone you have, it won t be enough for you.Do you really think of me as Mr. Medicine Junior brother is just a fourth grade alchemist.
I don t know if Miss Moya has a partner. If not the would be alchemist who teased Moya spoke again.It was Xinglan. Water, give us water to drink. We are willing to do anything. Please untie our spiritual shackles.
You After hearing this person s words, Bai Yan couldn t help but glare.In just a few months, they had already seen They felt extremely honored to have passed Beihuang and Nansha.
Qing Yi s real power was almost exhausted at this moment.Come out and have something to eat. Ye Fei finished cooking the barbecue and took out the Qiankun Scroll.
Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously.He originally wanted to be patient and avoid causing trouble, but as it turned out, good people can be deceived, so Ye Fei simply let go of himself, retaliating with tooth, and fought back domineeringly.
I will leave here tonight with the help of the teleportation domain gate.Master, Senior Sister was still shocked by Ye Fei. He wanted to jump down again to help Senior Sister, but was scolded sharply by the woman in white.
When he arrived at the door, the two beauties in charge of the reception, one of whom smiled like a flower, looked at Ye Fei with a charming smile.Second Senior Sister, concentrate on fighting the enemy.
After a while, Ye Fei returned and told the situation.I don t know how many times it is bigger than the moon.
Although my master lives in the Ziwei Star Territory, it is different from here.Of course, there were also people present who had successfully refined the elixir and were warming it up in the elixir furnace.
Click This person was immediately pressed directly from the air to the ground.It was extremely fast and rushed towards Ye Fei. Is this the puppet that is one level higher than me It is really powerful.
Ye Feifei walked among the ruins. The buildings here were extremely old.Stop him. He is a master of the Normalized Tibetan Realm.
Not only in Chaotian Palace, but also within the sphere of influence of the Tian family, no one is allowed to eat beef.The ferocious beasts in the distance seemed to know the terror of the ferocious beast in front of them, and they roared, and then they all retreated, not daring to come forward.
At a glance, it is extremely scary. This kind of face is a kind of appearance of the five mountains facing the sky.It is also the dantian to Your Calming KBVen A Dog Guide Gummies Comprehensive CBD Aggression for Pet
cyclone that he created. It is extremely powerful and his combat power has been improved by an unknown amount.
Tang Wuzang thought for a moment and said. Thank you, elder, for telling me, otherwise, this disciple would be tricked by Wei Dingguo again.roll Wu Juan s beautiful face couldn t help but shiver, and she slapped her with a palm.
There were tears in her eyes and they were full of pain.I didn t expect you to do it after failing a few times.
It is said that there is a tall man to support the sky when it falls.With this method, he will eventually deduce the order and disorder of the matter, the definite and undetermined, and how the final causes and conditions operate.
It suddenly broke through and spread from virtual to real.However, today s performance was indeed not as smooth as when Zhengshen was using it.
I don t believe you can stop me
With a cold snort, the ruthless man swatted him down again.The reason why such an evolution has occurred is because the heavens and realms today are different from the ancestral realms before the infinite era.
After converging to the end, Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai seemed to disappear for a moment at the same time.One person inside was practicing with his eyes closed in the center of this light mask.
Absolute emptiness. Absolute silence. The switching of circles under his feet gradually slowed down the eight sided SALT TRICK FOR MEN RECIPE - ✅ ((STEP BY STEP)) - HOW TO DO BLUE SALT TRICK FOR MEN [HGyARJwUCPt]
lines gradually blurred the giant sword transformed into his body also gradually became thinner and gradually returned to its physical form.Fortunately, the four of us also have the four phase formation to rely on, and we can join forces as one.
Nangong Boyu once joked that by chance and luck, this person was already like the protagonist of that world.Including the thirteen people here, the total is Hacks Body Diet a Slimmer Easy-to-Follow for Summer
exactly forty two.
Jing Ke pondered for a long time. There seems to be only one way to crack it that is to grasp a certain amount of advance in your mind it seems that you are moving in one direction or goal , but in fact, the real intention is completely opposite.In the place where the streams gather in front, there seem to be many visible and invisible fish fry swimming repeatedly in the water, raising stars.
But I have a hunch in my heart, if these two people meet , there must be a wonderful change in destiny.This is a huge vacuum. Therefore, there is an extremely rare situation the nine tailed fox clan s first treasure is not the possession method secret treasure, and this item only ranks second among its clan.
Mood said calmly Okay. He already knew in his heart that if the level of blamelessness in the scale of mana really reached the extreme of Ziwei World, then the ordinary divine channel technique would be useless.Perhaps there is still a certain gap between the two, but this is the fundamental gap between the monks before entering the country just breaking through the realm may not necessarily widen the gap much.
The seven emperors united to destroy the heaven and the earth.However, he did not say much. He only said please and come.
Turning around, he saw that outside the small circle of Ma Huaide and the others, about ten feet apart, there was indeed a person standing alone.Although the Baoheng Kingdom is close to the combined area of the Seven Kingdoms and is unified as a whole, it lacks a backbone in the practice of cultivation.
Mo will definitely fulfill his mission. These four crystal stones will be returned intact after they are refined.Unexpectedly, this competition, which many people thought was bound to be long lasting and dark, might be shorter than most imagined.
To put it simply, it seemed to be a very strong glue, trying to fuse the two of them together.Huang Xiyin got the Shinto part, and Yinzong got the Taoist inheritance part.
Then Gui Wujiu turned around, escaped from the light, and landed on the side of the Bronze Palace.In fact, when Gui Wujiu achieves the Tao realm, in addition to the inevitable establishment of a Yin Yang cave around the big forces, the exchange of needs and wants is also taken into consideration.
The manner in which he spoke just now is connected.This step of the process usually takes about five hundred years for the direct transmission of Yin and Yang Dao but Qin Menglin only needs at most two hundred years.
Dharma is the most secretive thing beyond a realm. However, due to a combination of circumstances, this Dharma revealed the secret of the Huan Xin , but Gui Wujiu took advantage of it.Among the four, the only one whose appearance and attire are slightly different from those in the past is Yuli.
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the journey, you still practiced in seclusion alone for more than a month I just arrived late today.Moreover, the moment Mr. Mood takes action, although it is bright, the action is unobstructed and the explanation is clear.
And the delicateness of his facial features and the charming expression in his eyes are even more wonderful.If you want to come here to see the true flow and understand the path and fruit, it is a necessary condition for your own realm to reach perfection otherwise, no matter how direct and specific Gui Wu s guidance is, it will be impossible to understand the true flow.