“Bảo trì lạc hậu và ngừngmáy gây thiệt hại lớn, ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến
sự phát triển bền vững của doanh nghiệp”
1. Chi phí bảo trì
Trong bảo trì hiện đại, chi phí bảo trì gồm hai thành phần: chi phí bảo trì trực tiếp (còn gọi là chi phí bảo trì hữu hình hay chi phí ẩn) và chi phí bảo trì gián tiếp (còn gọi là chi phí bảo trì vô hình).
1.1.Chi phí bảo trì trực tiếp
Chi phí bảo trì trực tiếp được dùng để chi trả trực tiếp và lưu lại trong hồ sơ kế toán của công ty, bao gồm:
Chi phí cho lương nhân viên.
Chi phí cho thưởng nhân viên.
Chi phí cho đào tạo, huấn luyện.
Chi phí cho quản lý bảo trì.
Chi phí cho vật tư bảo trì.
Chi phí cho dụng cụ bảo trì.
Chi phí cho thiết bị bảo trì.
Chi phí cho thuê ngoài dịch vụ bảo trì.
Chi phí cho cải tiến thiết bị.
1.2Chi phí bảo trì gián tiếp
Chi phí bảo trì gián tiếp là những khoản chi phí doanh nghiệp phải trả hoặc mất đi vì các tổn thất, thiệt hại khi ngừng máy. Chi phí này phần lớn là từ chi phí thời gian ngừng máy.
1.3.Chi phí chu kỳ sống
Chi phí chu kỳ sống (Life Cycle Costs – LCC) bao gồm tất cả chi phí mà doanh nghiệp phải trả hoặc mất đi từ lúc mua máy đến khi thanh lý máy.
Chi phí chu kỳ sống thường bằng từ 4 đến 40 lần giá mua máy ban đầu, vì vậy ở các nước và doanh nghiệp có hiểu biết, khi đầu tư ban đầu vào mua máy mới người ta sẽ tính LCC của những nhà cung cấp khác nhau và ra quyết định mua máy của nhà cung cấp nào có LCC thấp nhất.
LCC được tính như sau:
LCC = CI + NY (CO + CM + CS)
Trong đó:
Chi phí đầu tư (CI): bao gồm chi phí mua máy hoặc hệ thống thiết bị; chi phí đầu tư cho hạ tầng phục vụ vận hành máy; chi phí cho đào tạo và huấn luyện; chi phí cho tài liệu kỹ thuật; chi phí cho phụ tùng thay thế; …
Số năm (NY): số năm dự kiến sử dụng máy cho đến khi thanh lý
Chi phí vận hành (CO): bao gồm chi phí cho vật tư, con người, năng lượng, xử lý môi trường, các chi phí vận hành khác, ….
Chi phí bảo trì (CM): bao gồm các loại chi phí bảo trì thế hệ từ thứ 1 đến thứ 4, cho vật tư, dụng cụ, máy móc bảo trì và con người.
Chi phí ngừng máy (CS): đây là phần có thể chiếm đến 80% LCC, nhưng ít được biết đến, chiếm phần lớn trong chi phí bảo trì vô hình.
Chi phí chu kỳ sống thường được dùng để:
Làm cơ sở để lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp ra quyết định mua sắm máy móc, thiết bị.
Làm cơ sở để bộ phận bảo trì trong doanh nghiệp nhận ra cần cải tiến những gì để giảm LCC, nghĩa là giảm chi phí ngừng máy.
Làm cơ sở để những nhà cung cấp nhận ra cần cải tiến những gì để tăng độ tin cậy của máy móc, thiết bị nhằm giảm LCC, nghĩa là giảm chi phí ngừng máy cho khách hàng, là doanh nghiệp, cũng là tăng cơ hội để có hợp đồng với khách hàng.
1.1.4Chi phí thời gian ngừng máy
Chi phí thời gian ngừng máy (downtime), gọi tắt là chi phí ngừng máy, là những chi phí, thiệt hại, tổn thất phát sinh do ngừng máy và ảnh hưởng đến sản xuất và các hoạt động khác của một doanh nghiệp, công ty.
Các cơ sở công nghiệp lớn mất năng suất sản xuất hơn một ngày mỗi tháng và hàng trăm triệu đô la mỗi năm do hư hỏng máy, theo một báo cáo mới được công bố bởi Senseye, công ty quản lý sức khỏe máy móc được hỗ trợ bởi trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI).
Báo cáo chi phí thời gian ngừng máy thực chia sẻ những phát hiện từ một nghiên cứu về 72 công ty sản xuất và công nghiệp đa quốc gia lớn. Báo cáo tiết lộ rằng, trung bình, các nhà máy lớn mất 323 giờ sản xuất mỗi năm. Chi phí trung bình do mất doanh thu, phạt tài chính, thời gian nhân viên nhàn rỗi và khởi động lại dây chuyền là 532.000 USD/giờ, lên tới 172 triệu USD/nhà máy hàng năm.
Alexander Hill, giám đốc chiến lược toàn cầu của công ty Senseye, thuộc tập đoàn Siemens, nhận xét: “Thời gian ngừng máy ngoài kế hoạch là lời nguyền của ngành công nghiệp. Khi dây chuyền sản xuất và máy móc đắt tiền ngừng hoạt động, các tổ chức ngừng kiếm tiền và những khoản đầu tư đó bắt đầu gây tốn kém thay vì làm ra tiền. Chi phí có thể tăng vọt lên hơn 100.000 USD mỗi giờ đối với các nhà sản xuất lớn ở hầu hết các lĩnh vực công nghiệp”.
Jim Davison, giám đốc khu vực miền Nam nước Anh của Make UK, người đại diện cho các nhà sản xuất ở Anh, nhận xét: “Một trong những thách thức lớn nhất mà các nhà sản xuất phải đối mặt là làm sao giảm lượng thời gian ngừng máy ngoài dự kiến”.
Việc áp dụng số hoá công tác quản lý bảo trì tài sản sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp tiết kiệm được khoản lớn chi phí bảo trì và các thiệt hại do sự cố ngừng máy mang lại. Nếu doanh nghiệp khai thác tốt lợi ích công tác quản lý bảo trì thiết bị sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp tránh tình trạng gián đoạn sản xuất trong thời gian sớm nhất.
If they find a way to advance to legend and kill the gods , then their next energy must be focused on this.Okay, let s get down to business Cord didn t wait too long and ordered the wizards present to work together to load the dozens of newly captured monsters into trucks and transport them away.
Also seeing this scene were the bishops on the ground.The entire cage was safe and sound, but the crow inside was missing.
In the depths is a place similar to an altar, shrouded in circles made of mithril, extending all the way to the outside.It can only be said that the two great wizards are really unlucky.
He has to study hard for a period of time before he can develop the corresponding magic.Ice Purgatory Almost at the next moment, the high Why You Should Talk About Your Anxiety at Work | Adam Whybrew | TED [dWVNhV8VjMR]
pitched dragon roar sounded again, and a large number of elements filled with soul power suddenly exploded in the void.
With just one blow, all the offending church saints and a large number of church elites were wiped out.Although Linn had demonstrated the power of a nuclear explosion to them last time, the explosion was deep underground, so the impact was limited, and they were not able to witness the power of this magic with their own eyes.
As for the land where Cecil and Colin were, nothing was left.If he were alone, he could arrive within a day. However, Lin En did not refute everyone s interest and quickly decided after some discussion.
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in short supply. Under this explanation, the congressmen who had previously spoken out in defense all shut up.Tik, who was standing most forward, acted as the brunt, and fine cracks appeared on the rune wall carefully laid around him, which was then easily broken through.
All the elements are in motion all the time. If there was no protection from the outer shell, wouldn t the contents inside have been thrown out long ago over millions of years
The wizards in the audience were also discussing and arguing.Raphael had a wide range of skills in various techniques.
Airships and fighter planes are also ready to go, ready to meet the enemy.The temperature here is around minus 20 degrees. Tik said in shock.
The dimension jumped and landed directly on his face.Inside was a 90 meter high plasma giant, shrouded in intense light, and the constantly beating arc turned into a spear that was firmly attached.
and immediately realized their ending. Even Anthony, who was successfully promoted, didn t look good.Although there is no atmosphere here, it is wrapped by the Moon God Realm, which serves the function of the planet s atmosphere to a certain extent.
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just a short time, he was able to transform such a heavyweight according to the spell model he gave.Just as they were attacking the city, the opponent appeared behind them without warning and launched a surprise attack Neither the airship nor the wizards responsible for perception noticed it at all.
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material and energy constraints.If nothing else goes wrong, Ella s incarnation in the main world should have reached cooperation with the gods of the main world.
My Lord Bishop, I surrender
I surrender Please forgive me for my sins. It was those damn wizards who cast a spell on us and forced us to help them guard this town
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is not a cripple, he feels that he is about to be raised as a cripple.
Even an increase of ten percent is a terrifying value Sometimes we not only have to consider tactical victory or defeat, Speaker Vittorio.This was also due to the fact that during the previous battle in the Holy City, Ella sacrificed countless bishops and devout believers in one go.
The solemn look in the other party s eyes was revealed.Moreover, the parliament does not restrict the origin of candidates.
About three seconds later, the door opened spontaneously, and a clear voice sounded.You must know that Vittorio has lived the longest among them, is involved in almost every field, and has the highest computing power among them.
If he guessed correctly, the Royal Capital may not be the only one under siege now.It takes a lot, a lot Lin En made a rough calculation and said vividly.
However, due to the difficulty and risks of secondary fusion, he did not speak out easily
Now it s time to give it a try With the help of words and the fusion furnace as intimidation, Linn successfully bought time to activate the promotion ceremony A steady stream of energy was extracted from the violent plasma sphere.
It makes no sense that he is the only one who succeeds while others fail.Under such circumstances, it is dangerous for a god
Just like the Moon Goddess Diana Lin En immediately thought of the dead Moon God, who also left his own divine domain and arrived in this world, and then died inexplicably.
An alchemical creation called a sky airship, it is said that its speed is only twenty or thirty kilometers per hour.They may not be able to eat well, but at least they can eat enough.
Spiritual rice, but good deeds are not easy to do. No monk will use good deeds to buy spiritual rice.You are a monk, and will be a monk of Tianhai Sect in the future.
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basement, he looked at the Soul Gathering Disk and thought about his luck.
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to Master Duhai, the transformation of true meaning is extremely beneficial to monks.
Not only He Chuan saw it, but also the Jindan elders of Qixing Island.Then he saw more items wrapped in black cloth. These items contained extremely strong spiritual energy and were worth a lot of money at a glance.
They look particularly special above the sea. There are also dots of small islands faintly farther away.This was the best choice. Li Shiming saw two figures about to leave, so he summoned the DA: THC gummies sold at Pennsylvania tobacco stores test positive for heroin, fentanyl [a17EAbyphE3]
bronze corpse who was in the Netherworld Ghost Realm , and then he sprouted wings from his back and left the island through the undersea passage.
Therefore, even if many refined corpses are damaged, as long as it has little impact on the battle, no monk will repair them.Of course, they did not mean to kill Li Shiming immediately, but to write down Li Shiming and assign Li Shiming as a task to his disciples to complete in subsequent actions.
He searched in the storage bag and found a small piece of first grade ore, but he couldn How to talk to your GP about your mental health | Find the Words [UhlLbypZwP8]
t even remember which unlucky monk it belonged to.In such a short period of time, no monk could learn a spell by relying on a secret book that had no true meaning, even if the spell was the lowest form of Light Body Technique.
Even if outsiders see this thing, they won t pay too much attention.The sect thought it was just an ordinary exercise for him.
He has been specially trained in this regard. Without the ability to identify poisons, people have long wondered how to escort escorts outside.He has a strong talent in formations Yin Shilan hesitated before replying.
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soon as you join the sect, then the best choice is Shushan Sect.Get ahead of other trading firms and attract Li Shiming, a potential junior array master, to become a client of the trading firm.
If the aura of the clone is still the same as the original, then Li Shiming will never detect anything unusual in the aura of this drop of blood essence.
If they hadn t spread the news, the other party would definitely choose to awaken the God of Yellow Sand secretly.The two people with the highest strength and reputation, who were vaguely the leaders of everyone, spoke up, and others also spoke out in agreement.
If it were another person s body, it would have been cold.Hey Zhao Hao looked at an area. He found that the Myth players reacted a little slowly, but they quickly killed them.
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the Xia Kingdom, and each time the collaborators make a lot of money, it is indeed extremely heroic.If anyone dares to stab him in this operation, he will really fall out.
But not fatal The trap seems to be designed to create disabled people, and its power affects a very small area.Don t expect these high sea merchant ships to be very flexible.
Let s just be witnesses with peace of mind The bishop said something playfully, also indicating the role of the Holy Church in this plan.Qin Hu sighed inwardly, Qin An was purely implicated by himself, and if things continued like this, they would definitely die.
At this time, the poisonous flies that had been continuously pouring into the Death Canopy finally stopped.Both of them are extraordinary. Even if Zhao Hao was alone, he might be able to fly over in less than two hours, and it would even take less than an hour to transform into a golden dragon.
Sir Green Wing and other eight golden dragons were crawling near the city gate.Now he has to consider how much to exchange. After exchanging 9,000 units of Tier 3 Archers, there are still 2,670,900 contribution points left.
As for Haitian. At this time, his face was full of resentment.Densely packed troops were dispatched, with only dark elves, black iron dwarves, minotaurs, and other races standing by at the rear.
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cannon fodder summoned from the abyss of hell.
Elves with this kind of personality are the mainstream in Elloland, and those with just a touch of elf style like Soth are rare.In addition, there are four golden dragons eyeing the sky.
At this time, there were already many alchemy apprentices processing herbs, minerals and other items.And this is also the reason why archangels are only used as fighting tools by major forces.
Wow The sea water surged, and a huge light curtain enveloped the coral witches.After several rounds of testing The demons finally used a tactic that Zhao Hao least wanted to see.
With the magic battleship, the Storm Territory s position will be unbreakable.Although the dragon s breath s damage to the dragon will be greatly weakened, it depends on the situation.
Don t tell others This secret was instantly known to millions of casual players, allowing them to wait for the prey to come to them instead of running around.Anyone else would be ruined Although for the strong, skeleton soldiers are cannon fodder in a matter of seconds, the problem is that the damage of these cannon fodder is ridiculously powerful, and the number is extremely exaggerated.
Only by tasting its horror and characteristics can he understand how to deal with it.Next, the Storm headed directly to the mainland. To send Baal and the others back to land.
Once you evolve into a vampire king, even if you die, you can be resurrected by the blood produced by other vampires, making you almost immortal.But it s very long Four city walls that are several kilometers long make the interior of the White Territory quite large.
As a result, Archimonde was in tragedy. The adventurers who originally only prevented him from approaching the tomb all took the initiative to attack him.It will be impossible to escape if we don t leave. At this moment, the other party s eyes without any emotion glanced over.
Of course, associated mines are also distributed according to this proportion.The stall owner, whose whole body was covered in a long robe, was huddled up and sleeping against the wall.
After that, if you hire a mercenary group, you can do business smoothly without the protection of the mercenary group.It was more than enough for White Dragon to annihilate those pirate fleets in one round.
His sensitive perception discovered something was wrong.This Wuhua Qijin actually belongs to the Zhongzhou Trading Company.
Indeed, once the strength of the entrant is too strong, the space gate may collapse immediately.He felt that as his cultivation level improved, more and more time was needed for cultivation.
The powerful methods are not something he can fully figure out.He controlled the copper corpse, and before taking his body away, he used the copper corpse s fingers to change the energy direction of the formation disk.
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small water droplets can absorb very little water spiritual energy, and the corresponding spiritual water transformed is very small.The deer headed creature from hell stood at the end, no longer rushing forward, but dedicated to healing.
A fourth grade energized flying sword and a trial sword light fought each other.These monks all suspected that other monks had gained something, but in fact, none of the monks he found found any spiritual objects at the scene.
In addition, there are almost no sword cultivators who refine corpses in Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion, so the resources for corpse refining are relatively scarce in Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.Because after the first sword attack, the enemy s defense is relatively weakened, then the attack power of the second sword will naturally be relatively enhanced.
This kind of aging was irreversible and could not be restored by relying on the magical power of Innate Yimu.As for the alchemy reward, he will return to penis enlargement goa [V3XTaNEn7zb]
the sect and wait for Brother Teng to recover before returning it to Li Yuanba.
The sky thunder encountered by the Markless Illusion Sword now belongs to the strongest thunder tribulation at the mid stage Nascent Soul level.He smiled faintly and the spiritual treasure Ten Thousand Swords Peak was sacrificed by him.
If the formation cannot be broken, it cannot be removed unless the voyage ship is forcibly destroyed.Especially the core monks of large sects, they believe that there may be a gap between themselves and the core monks of the super power, but they must be stronger than the ordinary monks of the super power.
Li Shiming had heard of the Wuliang Sect. If the Fuliu Sect was a sect that had declined in the past few thousand years, then the Wuliang Sect was the fastest growing force in the past thousand years.The terrifying high temperature and explosion shock wave spread outward from the center of the two explosion points, but the problem was that the explosion was inside the energy light cocoon.
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disappeared in the long river of history.Li Shiming left the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and found an area outside the Taichu branch.
When the pain in the physical body reaches a certain level, the physical body will protect itself so that the pain cannot be transmitted to the soul.Junior Brother Jiang, you are looking down on me. Why do you need Junior Brother Li to provide spiritual tea when you are here to be my guest Senior Brother Qi Jin said very dissatisfied.
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case, he cannot get close to the cave without restricting the cave.With the elixirs he has left behind as an alchemy master over the years, and the massive resources in the Fuliu Sect s treasure pavilion, it will not be a problem to refine any elixirs below the Nascent Soul stage.