Với mục tiêu trên, doanh nghiệp ngành dệt may và da giày – túi xách đã tăng tốc sản xuất ngay đầu năm, đầu tư mở rộng sản xuất để đón đầu xu hướng hồi phục của thị trường.
1.Tăng tốc sản xuất ngay từ đầu năm
Năm 2021, hai ngành dệt may và da giày – túi xách đóng góp kim ngạch xuất khẩu 60 tỷ USD, trong đó, dệt may đạt 39 tỷ USD, tăng 12% còn giày dép – túi xách đạt gần 21 tỷ USD, tăng gần 5% so với năm 2020. Kết quả này vượt qua cả kỳ vọng, bởi cả hai ngành đều bị đứt gãy sản xuất trầm trọng trong quý III/2021 do Covid-19 bùng phát mạnh.
Thành quả đó đã mang đến nhiều xung lực mới để ngành dệt may và ngành da giày tự tin đặt mục tiêu cao hơn trong năm 2022. Ngay trong những ngày đầu xuân mới, các doanh nghiệp đã ra quân sớm để tận dụng thời gian đẩy mạnh sản xuất, giao hàng đúng hẹn cho khách.
Sáng mùng 4 Tết, toàn bộ 2 nhà máy sợi của Tổng công ty cổ phần Dệt May Hà Nội (Hanosimex) tại Khu công nghiệp Đồng Văn (Hà Nam) đã hoạt động trở lại sau thời gian nghỉ Tết Nguyên đán. Ông Hồ Lê Hùng, Tổng giám đốc Hanosimex cho biết: “Tranh thủ thị trường sợi đang tốt, giá xuất khẩu cao và đơn hàng đã được ký kết, doanh nghiệp sẽ tận dụng thời gian ‘vàng’, tập trung cao độ sản xuất để đạt hiệu quả cao nhất”.
Giống như Hanosimex, ngày đầu tiên trở lại làm việc sau kỳ nghỉ Tết, Công ty May mặc Dony cũng tăng tốc, sản xuất liên tục để kịp tiến độ giao hàng.
“Doanh nghiệp đã ký hợp đồng cho tới giữa năm 2022 và đang thương lượng thêm rất nhiều hợp đồng mới. Hiện các đơn hàng xuất khẩu đi nhiều thị trường như Mỹ, châu Âu… đã kín lịch”. ông Phạm Quang Anh, Tổng giám đốc Công ty May mặc Dony hào hứng chia sẻ.
Đối với ngành da giày – túi xách, dù vừa trải qua một năm có tốc độ tăng trưởng thấp nhất trong nhiều năm trở lại đây, nhưng triển vọng năm 2022 cũng khá tích cực. Rất nhiều doanh nghiệp trong ngành da giày – túi xách đã có đơn hàng đến hết quý I/2022, thậm chí có doanh nghiệp có đơn hàng đến hết tháng 8/2022.
Ông Nguyễn Đức Thuấn, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội Da – Giày – Túi xách Việt Nam (Lefaso) khẳng định, dù dịch bệnh vẫn còn phức tạp, thị trường chưa thể phục hồi như giai đoạn trước dịch, song cơ hội cho doanh nghiệp da giày Việt trong năm 2022 vẫn rộng mở.
Tại lễ phát động thi đua của 2 ngành dệt may, da giày đầu năm 2022, Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Xuân Phúc đã biểu dương cả 2 ngành, trong điều kiện rất khó khăn vì dịch bệnh đã thích ứng an toàn, duy trì sản xuất, kinh doanh tốt, kim ngạch xuất khẩu năm 2021 của 2 ngành chiếm gần 20% tổng kim ngạch xuất khẩu cả nước và bằng với ngành điện tử công nghệ cao.
2. Thêm dự án mới
Từng phải đóng cửa cả 3 nhà máy sản xuất hàng may mặc xuất khẩu gần 1 tháng hồi giữa năm 2021, song kết thúc năm, Công ty cổ phần May Đáp Cầu đã về đích vượt chỉ tiêu với mức tăng trưởng 21% so với 2020.
Ông Lương Văn Thư, Tổng giám đốc May Đáp Cầu cho biết, dù dịch bệnh ảnh hưởng đến hoạt động sản xuất, xuất khẩu, nhưng nhu cầu mở rộng năng lực sản xuất của doanh nghiệp đang rất cấp thiết. Do đó, năm 2022, Công ty sẽ đầu tư thêm một dự án sản xuất hàng xuất khẩu mới mới tại Bắc Giang với mục tiêu hoàn thành xây dựng để đưa vào sản xuất từ cuối năm 2022 nhằm tăng năng lực, đón đầu nhu cầu thị trường đang gia tăng trở lại.
Cùng với duy trì mảng sản xuất – kinh doanh sợi, Hanosimex đặt mục tiêu đầu tư mở rộng năng lực sản xuất ngành may với nhà máy đặt tại Nghệ An
Công ty cổ phần Dệt may Đầu tư Thương mại Thành Công cũng chuẩn bị đón Nhà máy May Thành Công Vĩnh Long 2 (tổng vốn đầu tư hơn 1.000 tỷ đồng) đi vào vận hành từ cuối quý I/2022, đảm bảo năng lực sản xuất để đáp ứng đơn hàng xuất khẩu.
Thời điểm hiện tại, đơn hàng dệt may, da giày rất nhiều. Các nhà nhập khẩu từ châu Mỹ, EU, Hàn Quốc… tăng đặt hàng trở lại sau 2 năm cầu sụt giảm vì dịch bệnh. Các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam sẽ có một năm bận rộn hơn với các kế hoạch sản xuất, kinh doanh.
Theo Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam (Vitas), trong kịch bản tích cực với giả định Covid-19 được kiểm soát và hoạt động sản xuất – kinh doanh được duy trì bình thường, xuất khẩu dệt may năm 2022 sẽ đạt khoảng 42,5 – 43 tỷ USD. Nhiều doanh nghiệp nhận định, kịch bản này là khả thi.
Trong khi đó, với ngành da giày – túi xách, mục tiêu đặt ra cho năm 2022 là kim ngạch xuất khẩu đạt 24 – 25 tỷ USD.
Tuy nhiên, rủi ro vẫn còn không ít mà một trong số đó là chi phí logictics vẫn còn cao, container chuyển hàng khan hiếm. Thực tế, ở một số thời điểm trong năm 2021, có doanh nghiệp đã phải phải vận chuyển nhiều lô hàng bằng đường hàng không, lợi nhuận theo đó cũng bị ảnh hưởng đáng kể.
Bước sang đầu năm 2022, đã có tín hiệu hạ nhiệt giá cước vận tải. Đại diện một doanh nghiệp xuất khẩu tại TP.HCM chia sẻ, mới đây, Hàn Quốc bắt đầu có động thái xử phạt một số doanh nghiệp thao túng giá cước vận chuyển, nên giá có chiều hướng giảm nhẹ và thị trường Việt Nam cũng được hưởng lợi theo.
A lot. Judging from the breath of the alcoholic bees, if the alcoholic bees in the past were equivalent to early Qi refining monks, they are now almost equivalent to mid stage Qi refining monks.We must work out a way to get the treasure as soon as possible.
Just when Qingyang was thinking about how to face the returning group of Mountain Rats, those Mountain Shocking Rats also made further moves.The others were moved by a few Mingzhu Jiqi was responsible for comforting him and stayed outside the mountain gate of Jingfeng Pavilion for the time being.
But now it seems that I was too happy too early. There was a conflict between the two parties just after they met.With a huge amount of money, I found a simple diagram of the Yinfeng Gorge.
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be no hesitation in the duel between masters.The only thing that seemed slightly out of place on his body was a blood red birthmark the size of a broad bean between his eyebrows.
After listening to Qingyang s words, Lu Feng couldn t help but squint his eyes.This kind of character and His strength is astonishing, he is really formidable.
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saved. Tian Shengcai was so excited that he fainted.This elixir is rare even in the seven immortal sects, and the materials are extremely difficult to find, let alone here in Tujiao City.
What s even more surprising is her cultivation level, which is at the sixth level of Qi refining, two levels higher than Qingyang.It was precisely because of this that Yu Mengmiao threw herself into Qingyang s arms regardless of anything, without any hesitation, without any pretense, and without paying attention to any interference from the outside world.
The number of fish that slipped through the net would not exceed ten fingers, and the dozen or so disciples from the Qingfeng Palace , not even one was injured.But what is more disappointing News on Weight Loss Medication health news meditation [bDMUf6RbSp7]
is that, Only one group found a small spiritual stone mine, and the remaining group seemed to be unlucky and found nothing.
The second level blood bat swung its sharp claws and actually made a hole in the fishing net at this critical moment.Judging from their tone, two of the leaders are dead.
In the blink of an eye, the silver long sword collided with the three yuan sword array.I shouldn t let fellow Taoist Qingyang risk his life to climb the stone peak.
After entering the Drunken Immortal Gourd, he completely relaxed.If it is just the Qin family, he can still defend himself.
I just took out the jade slip, on the one hand, I wanted to thank Qingyang for refining the elixir and saving people, and on the other hand, I also wanted to have a good relationship.It only took an hour and a half to collect all the disciples who participated in the trial.
Now Qingyang sincerely feels that his previous decision was right.I remember that at the beginning, I regarded Liang Zhongtian as a friend and had great trust in him.
If this person kills the future head of the Liang family, the Liang family will definitely not let it go.On the edge of the hill, there was a high stone peak.
Li Yuanba only took action once, and after untying Lou Wu s heart knot, he readjusted the spiritual power in his body and restored his spiritual power as quickly as possible through the Viral Fitness Coach Nitesh Soni's Fat Burner Drink Recipe shorts niteshsoni ashortaday [DQEmgGfBZlY]
elixir he took.Looking at Jiang Pu, Jiang Pu s perception was slower than the two of them, indicating that Li Yuanba s spirit surpassed Jiang Pu s.
The conditions in the rear area are completely different.At the same time, he also activated an earth defense magic weapon and an earth defense spell.
An appointment was made for seven days, but this time Li Shiming took only six days to refine the fourth grade elixir.Of course, according to the analysis of the natal magic weapon IBMz15, the world detected by Shui Lei Yuanying s spiritual consciousness was some kind of illusion that deceived Shui Lei Yuanying.
Even in terms of swords, no monks would use hand held long swords, but would choose flying swords.There was an indescribable sense of threat, as if each of these energy flying swords had the power to kill them.
Li Shiming is very familiar with mountain magic weapons.Wu Qi was helpless in the air, wondering why he was always unlucky.
The eighteen fourth grade elixirs refined through nine alchemy operations all reached the fourth grade intermediate quality.From the reaction of Da Leiyin Temple, we can see how far the world of immortal cultivation now recognizes Li Yuanba s combat power, almost treating him like a great monk.
All sword cultivators, be careful, don t use your natal flying sword to attack directly, switch to sword light attack, the environment here will pollute your natal flying sword Brother Lou said at this time.This is why he tried his best to transfer all three great monks away from the Qianren Sect.
Five thousand years later, the Qian Ren Sect s sect formation is not even one tenth of the power of its original heyday.He thought of Li Shi s obvious strength and asked in a deep voice.
There are eighteen fourth grade elixirs in the jade bottle, all of which are just a hair short of reaching the fourth grade advanced quality.In one year, he took more than 300 top level Shushan Huangling Pills , and the spiritual power in his body reached the late stage of the middle stage of foundation building.
When he saw Tang Xuening, he felt that Tang Xuening was injured again, this time the injury was very serious.The master s cave is based on the Mahayana The weapon spirit issued the rules of the gold system while checking the situation in the cave in its own way.
Li Yuanba s hope for the Tiangang Earth Evil Killing Immortal Sword Formation was not to kill the three evil bosses of the Ping family, but to stop the three evil bosses of the Ping family and let Tang Xuening kill him.He walked into the market. The standards of this market were very high.
These two top monks were the real opponents. It s a pity that this place won t be usable for three to four thousand years Brother Hu changed the topic and said while looking at the ruins of Taichu Sect in front of him.After seeing Li Shiming s insistent attitude, she said no more.
At this time, he heard that it involved the level of great power, and he realized that it was not simple.The most frightening thing is that every Baidi Sect foundation that was attacked has been evacuated.
The puppet statues in their heyday can retain 80 of the combat power of the original monks.What are your plans Grand Venerable Hongfa looked at the Mingfa who had caused him trouble and asked.
In Jian Xiu s body, Nascent Soul was also recovering in the same way.End of Chapter So that s it No wonder the Baidi Sect is so crazy Brother Lou said in a deep voice after receiving the latest information from the Xiyan Continent from the ultra long distance communication array of the voyage ship.
It was so fast that Brother Duan Zhang didn t even have time to release the Lightning Technique , the fastest thunder method among the thunder skills.But now all the superpowers call Li Shizhen by his first name.
So Qingyang smiled at Yu Mengmiao, pointed to a small hill not far away and said, Let s go over there and talk.Suppress the Demon The area where the temple is located is the most forward, but it is not very far from Qingfeng Temple.
However, this matter needs to be done quickly. If the people from the Yin Yang Sect or the Yuling Sect suddenly come back, or other people also discover this place, it will be another trouble for themselves.When the two younger brothers came back, he didn t think anything would happen to them.
If you live in a weak spot, don t you mean you have to be slaughtered Thinking of this, Qingyang sneered and said, Intimidation, inducement, frame up, these guys are really good Introducing Diabetes And Obesity Risk Calculator @ MediChannel.org [RN31Wms85q5]
at it I don t believe it.But it doesn t matter. Qingyang doesn t need any spiritual fruit now.
I ll do my best. Junior Brother Qingyang and Junior Brother Cai, it s up to you.It didn t take long for him to be defeated by the alcoholic queen bee and the iron armed monkey.
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the reason for our original friendship Seeing that Liang Zhongtian was still pretending to be confused, Qingyang said angrily, I regard you as an undefended friend, but your Liang family has repeatedly harmed me secretly, and you even said that I don t care about friendship The Liang family is really the same line of confusing right and wrong.
Qingyang stayed with the Jinli Gang for three days, and Sang Qinglan became a little anxious, thinking that the Jinli Gang had set some trap or that Qingyang had encountered something unexpected.With so many people coming to give gifts, the Liang family would have gained at least thousands of spiritual stones, which would be enough for the Liang family to consume for several years.
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it is really a blessing in disguise. Jiao Chengxin was so happy that he didn t know what to say, and said, Senior, can you really save my second brother Qingyang said, Whether you can save your second brother, I need to see it myself before I know.
He was a little unlucky because he was too close to the forest piercing beast when the accident happened, and he was attacked by someone sneakily.It is particularly difficult to understand many things about monsters.
It turned out that the rustling sound just now was actually countless enlarged versions of these mice.Qingyang couldn t help but be overjoyed. Although there was only one level difference between high grade and medium grade, the price and power were worlds apart.
The ancestor of the Liang family said, Well, you should also take care of Duan Rushong and his family.Qingfeng Palace achieved first place in this trial of Chaotic Demon Valley, although it will not replace the position of the leader of the Immortal Sect of Yin Yang Sect.
However, they did not expect that the colorful spider had already lurked on Fei Yusheng s body, and found an opportunity to launch a sneak attack on Master Qiyun.Seeing that the gray bearded rat was about to pounce, at this critical moment, a purple yellow shadow suddenly appeared in front of Qingyang.
In fact, Qingyang s cultivation has reached the stage of Qi refining more than a year ago, but he felt that the foundation was still a little unstable, so he spent another year Spend more time consolidating your cultivation and constantly refining your true energy.He directly sacrificed a magic weapon in the shape of an ink stone.
They may never have the opportunity to enter Yinfeng Gorge in their lifetime.I ll hold on to the one eyed dragon for the time being.
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it s not one sided.Seeing that Qingyang was fine, everyone was about to discuss the next step when their noses suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.
More importantly, this woman is still very young. Her strength, background, age, purple , nothing extraordinary.He is still unhurried, advancing and retreating in a well founded manner, and completely following his own rules.
It s just that the output is a bit small, only enough for Qingyang to try it occasionally.Master Mo Rong is worthy of being the weapon refining master in Qingfeng Palace second only to the director of the Refining Institute.
Today he finally saw the results. He just didn t know what kind of gourd could grow from it and whether he could make money.Qingyang was watching boredly as a group of late stage foundation building monks bickered.
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Both of them were filled with indignation and even decided to complain to the deputy head.I was delayed in refining the Three Star Clearing Miasma Pill, but I didn t expect it to actually come in handy.
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disciples who have participated in the trials before.
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the world of Ziwei and see the original form of Gui Wujiu using the Kong Yun Nian Sword , they will only think that today is the pinnacle of Gui Wujiu s past achievements.
When the dragon clan faces a life and death threat, once this thing is used, the magical effect it presents is the most suitable one among the three hundred and sixty.The moment this method was established, the actions of Li Yunlong s three allies, Yu Li, Yu Gucheng, and Xi Lerong, were completely different.
When this person settled in front of the sect s gate, he raised his hand and opened the Qingliang Mountain restriction.If they are divided and used, if one or two of them fall into the hands of a Fusion Realm monk, they can be regarded as exceptional power.
But now, Gui Wujia relied on Minglun s defensive power.Gui Wujiu immediately sensed Jiang Minyi s energy and ran away.
Therefore, when Dongfang Wanqing returns to the formation, she also He didn t come forward to congratulate him immediately.This is a situation where the so called one turn fate only occurs when more than one person is involved.
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of the world s top heroes Jiang Minyi clearly has a wonderful way of recovery, and it seems that with her The four large seals used when hitting the gate of the formation are relied on, which are similar to Xi Lerong s hibernation method.
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had not dispersed.At this time, the clone and the self are perfectly integrated, regardless of each other, which means he controls this power.
Not only because of the similar color, but also because of the super advanced and exquisite skills.One group was the phase of two qi chasing each other , and the other was the phase of two and two of the yin and yang and the five elements.
Although the distance and distance are empty, it has a kind and pleasant atmosphere.For example, two armies are fighting, and one side is within a thousand miles.
Just looking at his appearance, he is really tight faced and can t see any clues.However, the infinite diversity and brilliance are condensed into a complete meaning.
Even the infiltration of Xun Qi and Kong Jin can only be regarded as an accident.